Multibot — A multi-threaded trading platform in the cloud

Multibot — A multi-threaded trading platform in the cloud


Everyone who got into the world of cryptographic currencies has to deal with exchanges. High market volatility provides an opportunity to increase the capital, but also creates the risk of losing a substantial part of it. The market situation may change dramatically in a matter of minutes, but a human cannot monitor it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Multibot is intended for solving this problem! The multifunctional set of automated tools running in the cloud constantly monitors the situation at exchanges and operates in accordance with a specified algorithm to protect your capital and its accrual.


The market of cryptocurrency is very young, since the opening of the first trading platform in 2010 and for the whole history of its development was characterized by high volatility and lack of any stability. The market of cryptocurrency is one of the fastest growing markets to date. The audience involved and the Bitcoin exchange rate increase exponentially2. But with all the advantages of decentralized payment systems, we still need certain centers of interaction between users for selling, buying or exchanging currencies. We need this because we do not have enough liquidity of the cryptocurrency and because of technical and organizational problems of creating decentralized trading platforms.
High volatility sets its own specifics of working with cryptocurrencies. While ordinary payment systems exchange occurs through exchange offices, there are very few exchange offices for the exchange of cryptocurrencies. Of the existing today, these are mainly exchange offices for exchanging cryptocurrencies for classical currencies. The main turnover of cryptocurrency is on the trading platforms. All this puts users in dependence on the availability of such trading platforms, and forces them to rely on their honesty, efficiency and professionalism.
Any user who encounters cryptocurrencies, notices certain limitations in the possibilities of trading platforms. Insufficient functionality and the lack of a notification system force users to use various solutions to automate these processes. A huge variety of tools for different platforms and with a limited number of supported exchanges does not solve all the tasks and forces users to limit themselves to operating functionality or use several tools from different developers, which carries technical difficulties and additional costs.
What Is Multibot?
Multibot platform is aimed at solving the problem of user interaction with cryptocurrency exchanges and continuous monitoring of the market, at the maximum number of trading platforms.

Value of Multibot
1. Platform for working with exchanges
Reliable automation of trading processes and monitoring the situation at the market of cryptocurrencies
  • Automation
Flexible functionality for automating the work with cryptocurrency exchanges.
  • Multithreading
Simultaneous work at several exchanges with a lot of currency pairs.
  • Reliability
High stability thanks to the use of cloud technologies.
  • Distribution
An independent work area for each client, with a separate IP address for API requests.
2. Stay updated
The interface for monitoring the markets within a single window
The customizable interface for obtaining analytical information about the exchanges and cryptocurrencies that interest you with the option of manual or automated response to the events.
  • Market analysis
  • Informing
  • Automation
  • Quick start
Simple registration and start of work with the system in just a couple of clicks.
  • Independence of resources
No need to constantly run computer or a dedicated server.
  • Access from anywhere
Management and viewing statistics from any device with the Internet access.


Cloud technologies
The platform is based on various technologies for the implementation of all the tasks set, but the basis of the project is cloud technologies. The web-cloud allows you to quickly deploy any number of small isolated instances with a dedicated IP address, which is especially important for working with exchanges that limit the number of requests from one IP address. It is equally important to ensure the stable operation of the system as a whole, cloud technologies allow you to isolateweb applications, providing full functionality for their operation.

Each newly developed tool or algorithm requires careful testing in various
situations. Each stage should be subjected to stress tests in real and simulated
situations. The new functionality will be published for a limited control group of users, to evaluate the effectiveness and relevance.
It requires a constant analysis of the use of platform functions, and the processing of the system of interaction with users to highlight the main points, so as not to overload the platform with unnecessary and little-used tools.
All tools and parts of the platform should be available with a minimum response time and transfer data in a compact form for fast downloading. To eliminate the scarcity of resources, a reserve of capacities with a multiple reserve will be laid, and overselling is categorically excluded.
Multibot closed development and information about the real infrastructure,
location of the equipment, real IP addresses, source code and list of solutions used are not published for security reasons.
There is no direct access to instances in the cloud, all interaction between
platform users and instances takes place only through specialized interfaces that redirect tasks to the cloud through an API of their own design.
The geographical location of the cloud center in Europe, as the project develops, it is possible to use the date centers in other regions.


Obtaining operational information is an important task for each owner of cryptocurrency. Unlike the market of ordinary currencies, where the determination of the exchange rate is actually in one Forex market, the market of cryptocurrency is not uniform and the rate on different exchanges may differ by more than 10% at one time. This situation is quite common.
Multibot analytics is designed to promptly and comprehensively inform the user about the situation on the market. Flexibly customizable interface allows you to focus the system on user-specific exchanges and currencies, as well as to fully monitor the dynamics of the exchange rate for each exchange and in general, tracking the volume of trading, a report on the capitalization of currencies, compile summary statistics of selected currency rates and much more.


Signals are a tool for informing users who are subscribed to notifications about sudden changes in rates and volumes of crypto-currencies or significant events that affect them.
It is planned to use several types of signals, standard ones released automatically based on calculations of the Multibot analytics software module, manually sent by the team of the news aggregation department and assessing their significance, as well as user signals that they can customize for events with their own parameters
Various information channels such as push notifications, email, mobile messengers, phone and SMS will be available.

ICO Structure

Multibot collects funds for the launch, promotion and development of the platform. For this purpose, Multibot (MBT) investment tokens, corresponding to the ERC20 standard5 , have been issued and are a smart contract based on the Ethereum platform6 . The platform will ensure the storage of collected funds and the disposal of them as necessary.
Name of the token Token MBT — shared smart contract Multibot. Token Multibot grants the right to share in the platform’s profits. The share of 50% of the platform’s profit is distributed to all active tokens.
Payout procedureAfter the start of the platform, at the end of each quarter, 50% of the distributed profit is transferred to the Ethereum (ETH) purse, after which the ETH is distributed among holders of MBT tokens in accordance with the data of the smart contract (according to the percentage of tokens of their total number)
Initial value of the tokenWhen a smart contract is published on the Etherum network, the initial value of tokens is set at 25,000,000 MBT. Unsold tokens, at the end of the ICO will be destroyed.
Original priceThe cost of one token is set at $1 per token
Token distribution
  • Users: 95%
  • Founders: 3%
  • Bounty Company: 2%

  • Day 1–2: 25% bonus tokens
  • Day 3–7: 20% bonus tokens
  • Week 2: 15% bonus tokens
  • Week 3: 10% bonus tokens
  • Week 4: 5% bonus tokens
  • Week 5: 0% bonus tokens

Bounty Program
  • Advertising campaign in Facebook: 10% of the bonus tokens
  • Advertising campaign in Tweeter: 10% of the bonus tokens
  • Advertising campaign in the forums: 20% of the bonus tokens
  • Multibot support in discussions: 15% of the bonus tokens
  • For special support: 35% of the bonus tokens

ICO Detail

  • What is a Multibot tokenMultibot token — represents the right to receive a part of company’s profit. All token holders are eligible for obtaining dividends according to their stakes. Any number of tokens (100%) sold at the end of ICO have right to receive 50% of company’s profits
  • Payout StructureAccording to the company bylaws, at the end of a quarter 50% of the company’s profit is transferred to an ETH wallet. The ETH is then redistributed to all holders of MBT Tokens according to smart contract conditions
  • SymbolMBT
  • Total supply25,000,000 (twenty five million) tokens
  • Smart contract source0x33493d18bac3649f00163d3f0e1e2d374a7dd4c6
  • SoftCap$100,000
  • Start dateOctober, 20
  • End dateNovember, 26
  • AdjustableYes. All unsold tokens will be burneds
  • Initial RatePrice per token, locked. 1 token = $1
  • Minmal investment$0.1
  • Payment methodsBTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, DASH, LTC and Tether (USDT)


The project is in a pre-release condition, with partially realized instruments and coverage of several platforms (Poloniex, Bitfinex, Bittrex, Wex (formerly BTC)). Since the project provides many ideas, and is aimed at maximum coverage of exchanges, we will gradually expand and enhance the platform’s capabilities according to our Roadmap.
Below you can find a step-by-step plan that covers the main points of future opportunities. Each point is conceived as an enhancement of the capabilities of the platform and will be expanded and supplemented as it is implemented based on the market situation and the wishes of users. All points of the roadmap will be implemented with time, regardless of the results.

The main priority in the development of the Multibot platform is the safety of user’s funds. Serious attention is planned to be given to checking the operation of tools and data security. All tools and the platform will be tested for a long time with the involvement of security specialists in computer systems. Additional functionality to prepare for the release requires closed testing, after which investors and subscribers will receive priority early access to new features.

Team Multibot



Details Information :


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